Prepping young kids for a summer sunset photo shoot

If you love warm weather and those gorgeous family photos in a warm sunlit field, you might be thinking of scheduling your family photos in the spring or summer. I get it, summer evenings are magical! They’re filled with less structure and more family time. But that type of lighting only happens during the “golden hour,” the last hour or so before sunset. In the East Kootenays, that can mean starting as late as 7 or 8:30 PM during the longest of days.

When parents reach out for a spring or summer shoot, I make sure they know the best time frame for that stunning light or what I call “ideal” lighting. The kind of lighting you see in many of the images in my family gallery. More often than not I hear, “Impossible! It’s past my kid’s bedtime, they’ll be grumpy.” But don’t worry, you can make it through and even have fun with a late session! If you’re up for it, I’m here to make it happen. Here are some tips for a fantastic photo shoot, even if it’s past bedtime!

have a low key day

You’ve been planning this for months, outfits are ready, and you can’t wait to hang these photos on your walls! To make sure everything goes smoothly, it’s super important that you don’t overload the day, or even the day before. Keep it chill and don’t schedule any other activities so the kids still have energy later in the evening. If you have a little one who needs a nap, do something active in the morning, take a walk or have lunch a little later than normal. This can help you to push nap time later in the afternoon. If you have a kid who doesn’t nap anymore but might on an afternoon drive, give it a shot! a little snooze could help them last longer. Consider having bath time before you get them dressed to head out! If your little one tends to fall asleep on long drives and wake up grumpy then we’ll choose somewhere closer to home or plan to arrive early so they have some time to adjust. 

full bellies

The biggest mistake parents make is pushing dinner until after the shoot. Do it before, even if it’s not your typical dinner time. Let the kids have a filling snack right before if they’ve eaten more than an hour earlier. A full kid is a happy kid! and same goes for adults too! You can make it an extra special adventure by arriving early and having a picnic for dinner or snack time. Feel free to bring snacks for during the session too, just make sure they’re small and quick to eat. Save the reward treat for after so they have something to look forward to at home. 

Dress for the weather

Besides being hungry, the other thing that can spoil a kid’s mood is being cold. Even in summer, it can get chilly near sunset. Bringing a warm layer that matches their outfits is a great idea.

Let go of expectations!

Kids pick up on your energy, so if you’re stressed, they will be too. If you come with a carefree attitude, ready to enjoy the sun and time with your amazing family, they’ll follow your lead. Remember, this won’t be a typical day in their usual routine.  Exploring a new place will naturally bring out their good mood. Plus, having parents give them undivided attention helps a lot too. My sessions are always lively and full of energy, filled with games and exploration. It’s all about having fun, nothing too rigid. They’ll be so caught up in the excitement that they won’t even realize it’s past bedtime!

Why is lighting so important?

Lighting is key for great photos. Shooting closer to midday can cause lots of problems: washed out neon-colored grass, blown-out backgrounds, unflattering shadows, and worst of all, greenish skin tones that are impossible to fix. The photos may look less professional and will be difficult to edit in my normal style. You’ve put so much time, thought, and money into this, so don’t settle for anything less than beautiful results. 

Still not convinced?

I get it, it’s totally understandable to have doubts! You know your kids best, and if you’re convinced this won’t work for them, I won’t push you into something you’re not comfortable with. We could start an hour or two before golden hour, but we will probably miss out on those Kimberley, BC mountain views or fields of wildflowers.  In order to avoid those issues I mentioned earlier, we’d have to stick to shaded spots with trees as the background. Even if the scenery around our location is epic, we’ll be sticking to the trees if it’s sunny. If you’re ok with that I can do my best to make it work!

You can also consider waiting until Fall or Winter when the sun sets much earlier. Check out my blog post “the best season for your family photos” for more info. The last option is an indoor shoot at your home around midday. This could be a great alternative if your home has enough space and natural light.